Patient Segmentation Process API - Implementation Template

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Setup guide

Importing Templates into Anypoint Studio

  1. In Studio, click the Exchange X icon in the upper left of the taskbar.
  2. Log in with your Anypoint Platform credentials.
  3. Search for the template.
  4. Click Open.

Running Templates in Anypoint Studio

After you import your template into Studio, follow these configuration steps to run it.

Common Configuration

  • mule.env - sets the environment where the application is to be deployed. It should be configured in config-<mule.env>.yaml file. For a studio deployment, the recommended mule.env value is local.
  • mule.key - sets the encryption password to be used for encrypting secure properties. Update as needed.
  • api.autodiscoveryID should be configured in config-<mule.env>.yaml file.

Please refer to the attached link on how to secure the configuration properties.

Patient Segmentation Process API Configuration

The application requires a few things to be configured such as SFTP and external services connection information. Configure them in the properties file located in the config/properties folder.

SFTP Configuration

This application using a public key as the preferred authentication method in SFTP configuration and uses a PEM (Privacy Enhanced Mail) format certificate.

  • should be configured in config-<mule.env>.yaml file.
  • sftp.port should be configured in config-<mule.env>.yaml file.
  • sftp.username should be configured in config-<mule.env>.yaml file.
  • sftp.keypairFilePath - sets the path to the keypair file. Key file should be available in /src/main/resources. It should be configured in config-<mule.env>.yaml file.

Please refer to the attached link on how to Configure a Public Key to Connect to an SFTP Server.

Salesforce CDP System API
  • should be configured in config-<mule.env>.yaml file. The API host.
  • cdp-sys-api.port should be configured in config-<mule.env>.yaml file. The API port.
  • cdp-sys-api.basepath should be configured in config-<mule.env>.yaml file. The API base path.
  • cdp-sys-api.responseTimeout should be configured in config-<mule.env>.yaml file. The connection response timeout.
  • cdp-sys-api.reconnection.frequency should be configured in config-<mule.env>.yaml file. The reconnection frequency.
  • cdp-sys-api.reconnection.attempts should be configured in config-<mule.env>.yaml file. The reconnection attempts.
Azure Patient Engagement System API
  • azure-patient-engmt-sys-api.hostName should be configured in config-<mule.env>.yaml file. The API host.
  • azure-patient-engmt-sys-api.port should be configured in config-<mule.env>.yaml file. The API port.
  • azure-patient-engmt-sys-api.basepath should be configured in config-<mule.env>.yaml file. The API base path.
  • azure-patient-engmt-sys-api.responseTimeout should be configured in config-<mule.env>.yaml file. The connection response timeout.
  • azure-patient-engmt-sys-api.reconnection.frequency should be configured in config-<mule.env>.yaml file. The reconnection frequency.
  • azure-patient-engmt-sys-api.reconnection.attempts should be configured in config-<mule.env>.yaml file. The reconnection attempts.
Source system data loads

This Process API interacts with multiple systems. Since the format to load data in to each of the systems is different, a set of sample data files have been provided for reference.

Refer the sample data format files available under src/test/samples
- Immunizations_Sample.csv - Sample file that describes the structure of the patient immunizations.
- Conditions_Sample.csv - Sample file that describes the structure of the patient conditions.

Tested and verified

This solution was developed and tested on Anypoint Studio 7.15 and Mule Runtime 4.4.0.

Run the application

  1. Right-click the template project folder.
  2. Hover your mouse over 'Run as'.
  3. Click Mule Application (configure).
  4. Inside the dialog, select Environment and set the variable mule.env to the appropriate value (dev or local).
  5. Inside the dialog, select Environment and set the variable key to the property encryption key that you used to encrypt your secure properties.
  6. Click Run.

Deployment instructions for CloudHub using provided scripts

Ensure the Maven profile CloudHub-HLS-DEV has been properly configured in your settings.xml file. Reference can be found by downloading the Accelerator Common Resources asset. Additional instructions are available in the Getting Started with MuleSoft Accelerators - Build Environment guide.

Update the config-<env>.yaml properties appropriately and then use one of the following scripts to deploy the application to CloudHub:

  • (Mac/Linux).
  • packageDeploy.cmd (Windows).


Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onFeb 26, 2025
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